Baby Brayden came into our lives on June 19, our first great-grandson. He is a very amazing little boy and so special to us. He has a few major problems and is pallative. It breaks our hearts, we are all loving him and keeping him comfortable. Although his little life will be short, he will know he was loved and always will be. He is our special angel.
He is the reason I haven't been on much, hard to take pics with tears in your eyes, a few of my contacts are
going through saddness right now, life is not fair some times but with God's grace we will get through it.
The doctors at Mc Master hospital in Hamilton sent him home with special instructions, "keep him comfortable, talk to him lots, tell him you love him and take lots of pics" well he is in the right family for all of those orders!!
Thanks everyone for all your prayers and thoughts over the last 3 weeks, I truly appreciate it!! :)