Sunday, May 31, 2009

An Acrobatic Squirrel at camp...

He would swing down...get some seeds...
swing back up...

eat them...
Swing back down for more...

I had placed birdseed in the small hanging feeder, this fellow found it and was having a ball....he was constantly swaying the tree and feeder but these pics show how he was enjoying the seeds !! He would swing down, grab some seeds, swing back up, eat them and then come down for more !! So cute to watch...


  1. Squirrels can be quite acrobatic can't they? I've seen them stretch out and hang by their toenails to get at birdseed.Great series.

  2. Love this series! Squirrels are so fun to watch.

  3. I actually do enjoy watching them come to the
    feeder too. So far mine haven't broken into it, so no problems so far.
